Bladder Health

Bladder Health

People rarely talk about it, but bladder issues can arise during any stage of a woman’s life

What is good bladder function?

Did you know that going to the toilet between 4-7 times a day is normal?

Drinking 6-8 glasses of fluid each day is ideal as your bladder can stores between 300-400ml.

Bladder Health is all about you having control!

Signs and symptoms of bladder problems?

  • Do you wet yourself when you jump, sneeze, cough or laugh?
  • Do you suddenly need to rush to the toilet with little to no warning? 
  • Do you experience anxiety when leaving the house, worrying you won’t be able to find a toilet in time?
  • Do you have difficulty emptying your bladder?
  • Has your flow changed?  Slow / fast / stop-start / after dribble?

Above are just some of the signs that you may have a bladder problem

Common causes of bladder problems?

  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction - weakness or tightness
  • An overactive bladder - the bladder is a muscle that can spasm all on its own!
  • Prolapse of any pelvic organ  - your organs may be sitting a little low affecting your bladder function
  • Weight changes with pregnancy or other
  • Connective tissue changes with menopause
  • Bowel problems (chronic constipation) can be the main contributor to some bladder problems, particularly bladder urgency

How we can help?

Physiotherapy for bladder problems?

Bladder leakage is usually easy to fix or significantly improved with Pelvic Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy treatment involves finding all the contributing factors for your bladder leakage and providing a plan that addresses each one:

  • A personalised pelvic floor muscle training program to optimise your pelvic floor muscle function
  • Retraining your pelvic floor muscles for the higher load activities of exercises, coughing or jumping 
  • Bladder training and urge delay techniques
  • Adjustments and advice on what you drink, how much and when you drink
  • Advice on common bladder urgency triggers
  • Addressing any bowel-related bladder problems

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More Information

Find out more about bladder health 

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