Pubic Bone Pain in Pregnancy

Jul 17, 2019

Pubic Bone Pain in Pregnancy?

Have you felt a sudden sharp pain in your pubic bone when you walk, roll over in bed or get out of the car?

Do you wake up with a deep ache in your pubic bone area or feel like it is bruised?

If you have answered yes, then you may be suffering from pubic symphysis pain in pregnancy. This is a common and painful condition during pregnancy due to the ligaments and muscles relaxing, causing more stress on the pubic bone. Pubic bone pain in pregnancy can be managed and often cured if you seek the right help from our team of Pelvic Health Physiotherapists.

Tips to self-manage your pubic bone pain during pregnancy

  • Apply ice to the pubic bone for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times per day
  • Avoid standing on one leg and going up/down flights of stairs
  • Try sleeping with a pillow in between your legs
  • Sit your bottom down in the car first and keep your legs together as you swivel in
  • Sit down to get dressed and to put your shoes and socks on

How can we help you at Pelvic Health Melbourne?

  • Individualised assessment to establish your main concerns, goals and to help you maintain and improve your function
  • Provide you with a suitable exercise program to help keep you fit, healthy and pain under control during your pregnancy
  • Soft tissue therapies to painful muscle spasms
  • Advice on braces, Tubigrip or other supportive garments if appropriate

Give our team a call if your are experiencing Pubic Symphysis pain during your pregnancy.

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