Women's bladder health

People rarely talk about bladder health, but everyone is affected by it. Each day, adults pass about a quart and a half of urine through the bladder and out of the body.

What is good bladder health?

  • Emptying your bladder  4 - 7 times a day
  • Drinking 1.5- 2 liters of fluid a day - water is great
  • Sleeping through the night without needing to go to the toilet under 50 years old
  • Going toilet once at night over 50 and 2 x per night over 65 is normal
  • Being able to empty your bladder completely 
  • Avoiding bladder irritants where possible:  coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, artificial sugars

Signs of bladder problems?

  • Do you wet yourself when you jump, sneeze, cough or laugh?
  • Do you suddenly need to rush to the toilet with little to no warning? 
  • Do you experience anxiety when leaving the house, worrying you won’t be able to find a toilet in time?
  • Do you have difficulty emptying your bladder?
  • Has your urine flow changed?  Slow / fast / stop - start / after dribble

Above are just some of the signs that you may have a bladder problem.

Common Causes of Bladder problems?

  • Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction - weakness or tightness
  • An overactive bladder - the bladder is a muscle which can spasm all on its own!
  • Prolapse of any pelvic organ  - your organs may be hanging a little lower irritating or affecting your  bladder function
  • Weight changes with pregnancy or other
  • Connective tissue changes with Menopause
  • OR  A full bowel can be a common cause of bladder problem particularly bladder urgency or a full bowel as well as transitioning into perimenopause.

How we can help

Physiotherapy for bladder problems?

  • Also, we cover all the common bladder irritants to avoid and best bladder habits to ensure good long-term function.

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More Information

Find out more about bladder health 

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