Transgender Bladder Health

Bowel Health

Bowel Health

What is normal bowel health?

Did you know that healthy bowel habits can be emptying your bowels anywhere from 1-3 times per day to three times per week?

As well as regular and consistent bowel motions, a healthy bowel routine includes not needing to strain, feeling satisfied that you have emptied and being on and off the toilet within five minutes.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Sudden and or prolonged changes in normal bowel routine i.e. you usually go every morning but now only go 1-2 times per week
  • Needing to strain to initiate or continue a poo
  • Feeling unsatisfied or like there is still more to come out
  • Pain around the anus
  • Soiling or having poo accidents
  • Getting a sudden urge to do a poo and needing to race to the toilet

Common causes of bowel problems:

  • Ineffective pooing positions and pushing technique
  • Chronic constipation
  • Overactive and tight pelvic floor muscles
  • Poor diet/not enough fluid intake
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other bowel conditions such as Chron's and Colitis
  • Hormonal changes

How we can help?

Physiotherapy for bowel concerns?

Our trained physiotherapists can assist with:

  • Addressing any factors that may be influencing your bowel problem
  • Bowel training and setting a schedule
  • Teaching you proper positioning and pushing techniques
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises to strengthen or lengthen your pelvic floor muscles depending on your need
  • Urge delay techniques
  • Education and advice on healthy bowel habits

Our team

More Information

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