Transgender Bladder Health

Bladder Health

Bladder Health

What is normal bladder health?

The bladder is designed to normally hold 300-400mL of urine before giving an urge to empty. It is considered normal to pass urine 4-7 times a day, or every 2-3 hours if you are drinking between 1.5-2L of fluid per day. A strong stream with no hesitancy is a hallmark of good bladder health as well as being able to have control.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Do you leak when you cough, sneeze, laugh, run or jump?
  • Are you able to make it to the toilet in time?
  • Has your urine stream changed? Is it slow/stop-start or dribbling?
  • Do you have sudden, strong urges to run to the toilet without any build-up
  • Are you waking more than twice per night to wee?

Common causes of bladder problems:

  • Stress and anxiety can influence pelvic floor muscles to become overactive and tight
  • An overactive bladder
  • Alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks and some medications
  • Hormonal changes that cause low oestrogen which can influence connective tissue in the area and the bladder
  • Chronic bowel problems such as constipation

How we can help?

Physiotherapy for bladder concerns?

Our trained physiotherapists can assist with:

  • A personalised pelvic floor muscle training program to either strengthen or lengthen the pelvic floor - or both
  • Bladder retraining and urge delay techniques
  • Addressing any bowel concerns or bladder triggers that are present
  • Advice on healthy bladder habits

In some cases your physiotherapist may encourage you to consult with your GP or specialists to determine if hormonal treatments may be influencing symptoms.

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