
Ultrasound Course  

for Pelvic Health Physiotherapists & Osteopaths

  • Who is this for?

    This course is for any female qualified pelvic health physiotherapists, or osteopaths covering trans-abdominal and trans-labial ultrasound.

    A requirement to attend this course is that you have at least two years of clinical experience (in either physiotherapy or osteopathy).

  • Learning Objectives

    The learniing objective of this couse is to provide an understanding of the basic use of the knobs on a real time ultrasound machine 

    Trans-abdominal Ultrasound

    • Be able to identify the linea alba and measure the distance inter-recti distance using and real time ultrasound machine.
    • Identify the pelvic floor muscles and observe their movement with different pelvic floor cues
    • Identify the bladder and what constitute normal bladder shape normal bladder shape
    • Gain basic competence in measuring bladder wall diameter and bladder volumes
    • Gain competence in measuring post void residuals
    • Identify the uterus and observe how to measure the uterus
    • Identify the large bowel (ascending transverse/descending and sigmoid colon.
    • Observe how to measure the dome of the bowel in children 
    • Observe images of what bowel impaction looks like

    Trans labial/perineal/anal Ultrasound

    In sagittal plane - identify anatomical landmarks (AP):

    • Pubic bone
    • Urethra and bladder
    • Vagina and uterus
    • Rectum and anorectal angle and genital hiatus
    • Movement on valsalva or cough
    • Movement on pelvic floor lift

    In coronal (lateral) plane -  identify:

    • Urethra/bladder neck/bladder
    • Pelvic floor muscles, lift, bear down

    Anus - identify:

    • Anal canal and observe its shape at rest and on movement 

    Observe imagery of trans-perineal real-time ultrasound of those assigned male at birth to see how the imagery differs. 

    Sterilisation protocol for Real-time Ulrasound

    Gain basic competency for adequate sterilisation of the sound head for:

    • Trans-abdominal 
    • Trans-labial
    • Trans-perineal 
    • Trans-anal 
  • Summary Schedule

    Trans-abdominal Ultrasound

    Review of Knobology

    • DRAM: From Xiphisternum to pubic symphysis
    • Pelvic Floor Muscles: Shape & Movement
    • Bladder: Bladder wall thickness & post-void residual
    • Uterus: Identify uterus & approx measurement to identify gross variations
    • Bowel: Identify all parts of the large bowel, discuss normative measurements for the large bowel and the dome of the bowel, and discuss what to look for with impaction

    Trisdel DUO NCU Training

    Trans-labial Ultrasound

    • Identify bony landmarks & anorectal angle
    • Identify urethra and bladder neck
    • Identify pelvic floor and movement
    • Translabial examination in an anterior, posterior or sagittal plane
    • Translabial examination in a lateral or coronal plane
    • Discuss and view imagery for those Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB) and those Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB) 

    Download Detailed Course Schedule

  • Important information - Informed Consent

    This course  includes trans-perineal/trans-labial Ultrasound practicals that involve the viewing of intimate (perineal) areas via Ultrasound. This means you will get the chance to practice on others but also means this may also be performed on you as a 'patient'. 

    These examinations are extremely valuable to your learning, however, during any part of this practical you have the right to say NO, and withdraw your consent to any part of the practial being performed on you, as per a patient's informed consent.


    Patient Informed Consent requires 4 major parts:

    1. Explain what yoo are going to do and why it is relevant to the condition
    2. Explain what the patient should and should not feel
    3. Ask if the patient has any questions
    4. Does the patient consent to you proceeding with the examination?

    Please advise prior to the session if you have any concerns about participating in the practical, this also extends to declining a trans-perineal ultrasound at any time during your training.

  • General Terms and Conditions

    • In purchasing this course, you will receive one month of access to the online learning before the course and two weeks after completing the face-to-face component.
    • Places are limited for each course and enrolments are allocated in the order in which they are received and course fees paid in full.
    • This event is fully catered, with morning/afternoon tea and lunch provided daily.
    • All course materials will be supplied, including a printed copy of the course manual.
    • PHM is not responsible for any travel and/or accommodation arrangements or reimbursements. Please check with us on current enrolments before booking your accommodation and transport for a course.
    • Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) reserves the right to make minor changes to the content, schedules and presenters as required, however, this course is intended to be provided as advertised.

    Images taken during the event. 

    Each participant will be asked to consent to Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) taking audio or images (photos or video) in relation to the event. These images may be used for marketing, advertising and promotional purposes.

  • Cancellation Policy

    We understand that plans can change and sometimes you may need to cancel or reschedule a course. To ensure fairness and transparency, we have established the following terms and conditions.

    • Minimum numbers are required for this course to operate. 
    • In the event the course is cancelled by Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) due to insufficient numbers, participants will be notified as soon as possible and enrolment fees will be refunded in full.
    • PHM will not be held responsible for any costs relating to travel and/or accommodation expenses or cancellation fees incurred.
    • All cancellations are to be notified in writing.

    Please Note: If an unforeseen genuine emergency requires a cancellation, please contact our office. Refunds will be determined on a case-by-case basis only.

    The following cancellation fees will apply for all cancellations by a participant:

    • After enrolment - A refund will be provided less an administration fee of $50.00.
    • 30 Days before the course start date - 50% refund will be provided
    • 14 days before the course start date - No refund will be provided.
    • No-show fee for non-attendance - No refund will be provided.

    If PHM can fill the cancellation with a new student, a refund will be provided, less an administration fee of $50.

Course Details


Pelvic Health Melbourne

3/216 Blackshaws Rd, 

Altona North, Vic, 3025

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Dates 2025

31 May

25 October

Times:  8.45 am - 1.30 pm

Cost:  $390 incl GST

(BYO snacks and lunch)

CPD Points: 6

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