Peyronies Disease


Peyronies Disease


It may not bother you or you may be embarrassed to talk about it, but your sexual health is as important as other aspects of your health – we are here to help!

What is Peyronies disease?

Penises come in all different shapes and sizes and having a curved erection isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Peyronies disease occurs when a scar from a trauma has not been reabsorbed into the circulatory system but sits in the erectile tissue and hardens over time. The thickened connective tissue (called plaques) can develop as a result of trauma during intimacy, during life or develop over time without incident. If the thickened tissue progresses, it can result in curvature of the penis which may contribute to painful or difficult intimacy or difficulty maintaining an erection.

Signs and symptoms of Peyronies disease?

  • Have you noticed a change in the shape or bend of your penis?
  • Do you feel pain in your penis that may occur with or without an erection?
  • Have you noticed a shortening of the penis?
  • Can you feel scar tissue under the skin of the penis as small rice grains, lumps or a band of hard tissue? 
  • Can you see a significant bend to the penis, this may be a curve upward or bend to one side. 
  • Have you been diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronies Disease uncovered?

  • Having a close family member with it does increase your likelihood of developing it
  • With connective tissue disorders, you may be more at risk
  • It will not usually affect your fertility but it may stop you from having sex, or sex may be more painful and possibly more difficult
  • It is not contagious or cancerous but often causes you anxiety and distress
  • Can be more common post prostate surgery

How can we help?

Physiotherapy help for Peyronies disease?

If you have been diagnosed or believe that you may have Peyronies disease, our team can liaise with other medical professionals such as a urologist to assist in the diagnosis and management. 

Physiotherapy treatment options available are:

  • Therapeutic ultrasound treatments to reduce the size and thickness of the plaque
  • Advice on self-massage with Vitamin E cream/oil to break up plaque
  • Stretches to release tension around the groin and pelvic floor
  • Pelvic floor muscle relaxation and control
  • Pump therapy to increase penile length - reduce hourglassing and improve internal stretching of erectile tissue
  • A personalise approach

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