Intimacy Pain

Intimacy Pain

What is intimacy pain?

Intimacy pain is an unfortunate reality for some individuals who engage in penetrative intercourse. This can involve not only pain that occurs during penetration but also pain that can linger for any amount of time following.

For some individuals this pain may be tolerable, but annoying; whilst for others it can stop them from being intimate altogether.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Abdominal or intimate area pain, ache or burning
  • Pain with intimacy or post intimacy with self or other
  • Unable to achieve penetrative intimacy
  • Difficulty with orgasm or delayed orgasm
  • Premature orgasm/ejaculation

Common causes:

  • Overactive and tight pelvic floor muscles
  • Chronic constipation
  • Skin/nerve conditions
  • Haemorrhoids and/or anal fissures
  • Endometriosis, adenomyosis, IBS or increased period pain
  • Anxiety, stress, or fear of pain
  • Previous trauma

How we can help?

Physiotherapy for Intimacy Pain?

Working with a pelvic physiotherapist to help with your pain will generally include:

  • Identifying the contributing factors and addressing them
  • Pelvic floor muscle relaxation and awareness exercises
  • Manual therapies such as massage and dry needling
  • Touch desensitisation exercises
  • Using dilators and/or vibrators
  • Education and advice on lubricants and moisturisers

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