Men's Health Unpeeled Course

This course provides a great opportunity for physiotherapists to develop their skills in Men's Pelvic Health

This course is the product of many years of clinical experience and evidence-based research into Men's Pelvic Health physiotherapy and a collaboration between Dr Jo Milios  and Alexandra Lopes with online input from Craig Allingham and Kendall Gow to improve Men's Pelvic Health physiotherapy training in Australia and ultimately clinical outcomes for male patients.

  • Your learning options?

    This course is being presented as a 5-Day or 3-Day option in both Perth and Melbourne.

    Both options have a pre-requisite of a minimum of 2 years experience in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy.

    5-Day Course

    • This is the full course covering all topics.
    •  Ideal for those who are not currently treating in this field or who have not experienced bladder and bowel training before.

    Daily focus:

    1. Day 1 - Bladder
    2. Day 2 - Bowel
    3. Day 3 - Prostate Health
    4. Day 4 - Pelvic Pain
    5. Day 5 - Erectile Health

    3-Day Course

    Only Covers -  Prostate Health , Pelvic Pain and Erectile Health. (Days 3-5)

    • Students will join the group on Day 3 of the 5 Day Course.
    • This is for students who are competent treating men's bladder and bowel concerns already
    • Please refer to  'Who is this for?' for pre-requisites

    Course Schedule
  • What will you learn?

    This intensive 5-Day Men's Health Unpeeled Course is spread over 5 sessions/days of practical learning. 

    Each day will focus on different Men's Pelvic Health topics. 

    Your learning is enhanced by access to our pre-course online learning.

    Please note: This course requires particpants to attend all 5 consecutive days (5-Day Course), or 3 consecutive days (for 3-Day Course)

    All course dates are subject to change due to minimum enrolment numbers requirements and unforeseen circumstances.

    Course Schedule
  • Who is this for?

    This course is for any qualified and experienced male and female physiotherapists interested in Men's Pelvic Health Physiotherapy who would like to focus on this area. 

    A requirement to attend this course is that you have at least two years of clinical experience.

    5-Day Course recommendations:

    It would be an advantage to have some Men's Pelvic Health Training, suggested courses include:

    3-Day Course pre-requisite

    The following clinical experience and knowledge will be assumed for anyone enrolling to attend this course:

    Training and clinical experience in the assessment and management of:

    • Stress Urinary Incontinence theory and management 
    • Urge Urinary Incontinence / Urgency / Overactive bladder / Overactive Detrusor / Overflow / Nocturia / TTNS for OAB
    • Transabdominal RTUS - Bladder - post-void residuals
    • Pelvic floor muscle cueing and strengthening programs
    • Pelvic floor muscle down training, relaxing or reverse Kegels
    • Per rectal examination for bowel dysfunction 
    • Basic bowel management, defecation dyssynergia, toilet posture, and mechanics, timed sits, basic knowledge of bowel aperients

  • Learning Objectives?

    Details coming soon!

  • Course Schedule

    Session 1 - Bladder


    • Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI),
    • Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI), 
    • Overactive Bladder (OAB), 
    • Urinary Retention, 
    • Bladder Diaries, 
    • PFM strengthening
    • PFM Down Training (relaxing), 
    • Bladder Retraining


    • Quiz and Special Questiions
    • Subjective Assessment (SX), 
    • Practical - Pelvic Floor Awareness, 
    • Practical - External Palpation of Pelvic Floor and strengthening (Uptraining), 
    • Practical - Pelvic Floor Muscle Down Training, 
    • Practical - Transabdominal Real-time Ultrasound, l (TARTUS)
    • Practical on Bladder Diaries
    • Practical: Urgency Treatment: Bladder Retraining, TENs
    • Case Studies

    Session 2 - Bowel


    • Bowel, 
    • Aperients, 
    • PR Rectal exam, 
    • Treatment for Constipation or Defactory Dyssynergia, 
    • Case Studies


    • Quiz and Special Questions on Bowel
    • Hand Hygiene/Glove Technique
    • Per Rectum (PR) exam demonstration
    • PR objective assessment (Ox)
    • Aperients 
    • Treatment for Constipatiion
    • Case Studies
    • Practical - poo position, defecatory retraining, times sits, massage for constipation, 
    • Practical - massage for external muscle tension

    Session 3 - Prostate Health


    • Subjective Assessments (Sx),
    •  Objective Assessment (Ox), 
    • Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise Training (PFMT), 
    • Transperineal Real-Time Ultrasound (TPRTUS), 
    • Case Studiies Pre and Post Prostatectomy, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)


    • Subjective Questions related to prostate
    • Practical - Subjective Assessment
    • Objective Assessment (OX)
    • Practical - PFMT Group Class
    • PFMT Progressions
    • Prehab / TRP Rehab Case Study
    • RTUS Transperineal practical

    Session 4 - Pelvic Pain


    • Informed Consent for Rectal Exams
    • Sensory Neural Assessment
    • Neuroanatomy
    • PFM Down Training (relaxing)
    • Pain Science
    • Case Studies
    • Treatment Options for pain


    • Hand Hygiene, Glove Techniques and Informed Consent
    • Internal Rectal Exam demonstration in prone
    • Practical - Objective Assessment
    • Quiz and Special Questions on Pelvic Pain
    • Subjective Assessment Role Play
    • Practical - Full External Assessment of Pelviic Pain
    • Pelvic Floor Muscle Optimisation
    • Case Studies
    • Pelvic Pain Treatment Options

    Session 5 - Erectile Health


    • Normal Erectile Function
    • Common Dysfunctions
    • Treatment for Peyronies Disease
    • Pelvic Floor Muscle Relaxatiion/Strengthening
    • Equipment demonstration
    • Case Studies
    • TARTUS timed testing in standing
    • Practical - TPRTUS revision

    Course Schedule
  • Informed Consent

    As part of your training, you will be expected to participate in observation and palpation of intimate areas. This will include observation and palpation where relevant to the external anatomy of individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB). 

    Internal rectal examinations are also a practical component of this coursework. As a participant, it is expected that you will perform an internal rectal examination on either an AMAB or AFAB individual and have an internal rectal examination performed on you by either an AFAB or AMAB individual.

    These examinations are valuable to your learning, however, as they involve observation and palpation of intimate areas your informed consent is required before participation and again on each day.

    At any time, you have the right to decline to participate in the internal training; however, to gain a certification of completion, you will be required to have performed an internal examination on another individual. 

    Additionally, participants must be aware that if one individual declines, we are relying on other individuals to undergo multiple examinations to allow all participants to complete competency. 

    Having said this, it is your right to decline consent, having understood all the information.

    Informed consent requires four key components from the patient's perspective:

    1. The patient has an understanding of what is going to occur and why, with alternatives offered
    2. The patient has an understanding of what should and should not be experienced, and ensure they understand they need to communicate with you if their experience is different from what is expected
    3. The patient has the opportunity to ask questions or clarify
    4. The patient gives verbal consent to proceed with the intervention (written if unable to verbalise)

     Informed consent is required before participation in every session and can be withdrawn at any stage during your training. 

  • General Terms and Conditions

    • In purchasing this course, you will receive four weeks of access to the online learning before the course and four weeks after completing the face-to-face component.
    • Places are limited for each course and enrolments are allocated in the order in which they are received and course fees paid in full.
    • Participants are asked to bring their own lunch each day, however both morning and afternoon tea will be provided.
    • All course materials will be supplied, including a printed copy of the course manual.
    • PHM is not responsible for any travel and/or accommodation arrangements or reimbursements. Please check with us on current enrolments before booking your accommodation and transport for a course.
    • Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) reserves the right to make minor changes to the content, schedules and presenters as required, however, this course is intended to be provided as advertised.

    Images taken during the event. 

    Each participant will be asked to consent to Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) taking audio or images (photos or video) in relation to the event. These images may be used for marketing, advertising and promotional purposes.

  • Cancellations

    We understand that plans can change and sometimes you may need to cancel or reschedule a course. To ensure fairness and transparency, we have established the following terms and conditions.

    • Minimum numbers are required for this course to operate. 
    • In the event the course is cancelled by Pelvic Health Melbourne (PHM) due to insufficient numbers, participants will be notified as soon as possible and enrolment fees will be refunded in full.
    • PHM will not be held responsible for any costs relating to travel and/or accommodation expenses or cancellation fees incurred.
    • All cancellations are to be notified in writing.

    Please Note: If an unforeseen genuine emergency requires a cancellation, please contact our office. Refunds will be determined on a case-by-case basis only.

    The following cancellation fees will apply for all cancellations by a participant:

    • After enrolment - A refund will be provided less an administration fee of $100.00.
    • 30 Days before the course start date - 50% refund will be provided
    • 14 days before the course start date - No refund will be provided.
    • No-show fee for non-attendance - No refund will be provided.

    If PHM can fill the cancellation with a new student, a refund will be provided, less an administration fee of $100.

  • Accommodation near each venue?

    If you are looking for accommodation close to the course venues we suggest the following:


    Karrinyup Waters Resort

    Hillarys Harbour Resort

    Rydges Perth Kings Square


    Punt Hill Apartments Williamstown

    Quest North Williamstown Apartments

  • Course lecturer - Dr Jo Milios

    Dr. Jo Milios is an Australian Men's Health physiotherapist and clinical researcher specialising in prostate cancer, pre and post surgery rehabilitation. She earned her PhD from the University of Western Australia, focusing on therapeutic interventions for prostate cancer patients, particularly addressing urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and Peyronie's disease.

    In 2012, Dr. Milios founded "PROST! Exercise 4 Prostate Cancer Inc.," a not-for-profit organization offering exercise and peer support programs for men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

    Dr. Milios is also an educator, providing workshops and lectures both in Australia and internationally. She has presented her research at numerous international conferences, including the World Confederation of Physical Therapy,  Asia-Pacific Prostate Cancer Conferences, PelviCon 2024 USA & across Europe online throughout COVID.

    In recognition of her contributions to men's health physiotherapy, Dr. Milios received the Western Australia 2020 Men's Health Award from the Australian Men's Health Forum.

    Moving forward, Dr Milios is passionate about education and the need to up-skill the next generation of physiotherapists who also need more training and support for gender health and diversity.

    Dr Jo looks forward to partnering up with Alexandra Lopes and other leading Men’s Health professionals from across Australia to provide a comprehensive, clinically-focused, evidence-based course.

  • Course lecturer - Alexandra Lopes

    Alex has 30 years of clinical experience as a physiotherapist in the musculoskeletal and pelvic health fields. 

    She has 23 years of experience in education: 

    • The University of Melbourne undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy.
    • Australian Physiotherapy Association  Level 1 and Level 2 Women, Men and Pelvic Health coursework
    • CFA - Continence Foundation of Australia community educaton
    • Fitness Industry - Conference Presenter
    • Women's Health Training Associates: Pessary Coursework  
    • Pelvic Health Melbourne 
    1. SIJ, Pubic Symphysis and Coccyx course
    2. Rectal Course
    3. Pelvic Pain Course
    4. 4 day Pelvic Health Foundations Course
    5. Real Time Ultrasound Course
    6. NEW - Men's Health Unpeeled

    Alex is a Co-director of Pelvic Health Melbourne and Symmetry Physiotherapy. Encompasing 12 locations across Melbourne North and North western suburbs.

    Alex was the Past National Chair of the Australian Physiotherapy Associations' Women's Men's and Pelvic Health group.  

    She is passionate about delivering high quality practical education to physiotherapists across the world to continue to progress the quality of pelvic health care for everyone. 

    Alex's caseload in the past 2 years has transitioned to 90% AMAB clients and transgender clients. 

    She  has developed some new clinical frameworks to help guide physiotherapists in how to clinically manage, bladder, bowel or prostate concerns and relieve penile, testicular, perineal and anal pain and to assist with erectile dysfunction.

    Alex is honoured to be working alongside Dr Jo Milios, Craig Allingham and Kendall Gow to deliver a research based clinically relevant course for all Physiotherapist who would like to treat those assigned male at birth (AMAB).


  • Guest lecturer - Craig Allingham

    Following a stellar career in high-level sports physiotherapy, Craig identified a failing in his skill set when his father underwent treatment for prostate cancer, and he had little to offer his Dad to help his journey. This was over twenty years ago, and not much was happening in the men's health physio space. 

    Craig applied his sports science training and experience to male pelvic rehab and gradually fine-tuned it as he and his patients noted what was helping them. He published the essence of his program in 2013 in the Prostate Recovery MAP - Men's Action Plan, which soon made its way into bookshops and libraries across Australia as men sought information presented in a bloke-friendly and accessible format. 

    Around this time, Ryan Stafford published his work on the male pelvic floor muscle recruitment strategies, and happily, the science married well with Craig's clinical learning. 

    A later book, The Prostate Playbook, presents the science of epigenetics (lifestyle factors) in relation to slowing, avoiding and sabotaging prostate cancer for men before or following treatment.

    Craig has continued to treat men on the prostate cancer journey as well as training many physios across Australia and overseas in the facets of his approach, especially the importance of how information is presented to men, not just what is given to them. 

    Currently, he runs a mobile visiting service for men on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland as well as telehealth clients not lucky enough to live there. This model of delivering information and intervention in the patient's own homes is proving powerful and successful but obviously won't suit all practitioners. 

    Time-out activities include playing saxophone in bands, landscaping a ridiculous-sized garden, weight training and fitness, and spending time with many grandchildren at home with wife Mary Rose. 

    Craig will present his 'Wrangling the Martians' presentation, which covers the psychosocial aspects of managing men in the health space. Understanding their filtering system, their ego barriers, their sense of invincibility and their apparent reluctance to access, hear and rationally respond to incoming health advice. Once practitioners discover this, their compliance and outcomes for men will likely improve. Craig will give examples of how this can be applied in practice in men's pelvic health as we peel away their protection and engage their actions to improve their lives short and long term. 

  • Guest lecturer - Kendall Gow

    Kendall is an experienced urology, weight loss and diabetes Nurse Practitioner with a special interest in women's and men’s sexual dysfunction. 

    She holds a Bachelor of Science (Nursing), Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition) and Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) from Edith Cowan University. 

    Additionally, she has completed a range of postgraduate courses in diabetes education, sports nutrition and sexology. 

    She consults privately as a Urology Nurse Practitioner/Sexologist as well as a sessional academic at Edith Cowan University.

Course Details



Complete Physiotherapy - Carine

Unit 7/12 Davallia Road,

Duncraig, WA, 6023

Get directions


31 Jul - 4 Aug (5-Day)

2 - 4 Aug (3-Day)

PERTH - Book now



Pelvic Health Melbourne

3/216 Blackshaws Rd, 

Altona North, Vic, 3025

Get Directions


6 - 10 Nov (5-Day)

8 - 10 Nov (3-Day)

MELBOURNE - Book now

Times:  8.15 am - 5.00 pm


5-Day F2F + 4-days online:     

                                                   $2750 incl GST

3-Day F2F + 2.5 days online:

                                                   $1650 incl GST


Morning/Afternoon tea

Please BYO Lunch

CPD Points:

5-Day: 63

3-Day: 38

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