Penis owners can experience abdominal separation too!

Mar 20, 2023

Diastasis recti, also known as abdominal tendon stretching is common in pregnant vagina owners but is possible for penis owners to experience too.

Diastasis recti is a stretching of the connective tissue joining the muscles down the middle of the stomach. 

In penis owners it can be caused by increased fat deposits around the organs under the muscle layer or an umbilical (belly button )hernia, forcing the muscles and tendon to stretch.

Diastasis recti develop in penis owners gradually over time and are noted by a protruding bulge in the mid-abdomen. It can be seen when doing a sit-up exercise. 

So what are the reasons why diastasis recti can occur in penis owners?

Overloading core exercising
It is important to perform any type of workout routine or strength training exercise with the proper techniques. Diastasis recti can result from poorly managed sit-ups or weightlifting exercises. 

Excess weight and obesity
In penis owners, diastasis recti can occur from gaining excess abdominal weight.
Penis owners tend to add extra weight to the abdomen first. When gained quickly, the extra kilos can apply increased pressure to the stomach muscle. 

Medical History
Your past medical conditions, as well as family history and traits, can also dictate diastasis recti in penis owners. The risk is higher in those with family members with the condition who often carry weight around the abdomen.

In addition to the noticeable bulge there are other signs and symptoms which can include:

  • Constipation
  • Lower back, hip and pelvic pain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Discomfort in body movements
  • Stomach distension (bulging)
  • Weakness in the core

If you think you may have an abdominal tendon stretching make an appointment with our supportive team.

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