1 in 4 women will experience constipation during pregnancy

Mar 07, 2023

Is this familiar?

💩 Constipation is when your "poos" are infrequent and/or incomplete and you have trouble passing them because they are often dry and hard. Other signs you may be constipated are pain, cramps or swelling in the abdominal area or you leave the toilet feeling your bowel is not completely empty. 

So what can cause constipation during pregnancy? 
🌾Lower levels of dietary fibre in your diet. 

♀️ An increase in the pregnancy hormone progesterone. This can cause your gut to work less efficiently and your food to move more slowly through your intestines. 

💊 Medicines and supplements that some women take during pregnancy. Medicines prescribed for nausea and vomiting, antacids for heartburn, and some strong pain medicines can induce constipation in some women. Supplements like iron and calcium, as well as some multivitamins can also trigger constipation. 

⚠️ Unfortunately women who have had constipation before pregnancy are very likely to experience worsening of symptoms during pregnancy. 

So, how can you get things moving again?
💧Drink plenty of fluids. Water, water, water! If you struggle to drink water, try adding fruit to it. Prune juice also can also help with getting things moving. 

🌾Include more fibre in your diet. Choose high-fibre foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. 

🏃‍♀️Include physical activity in your daily routine. Being active can help prevent pregnancy constipation. 

👣 Positioning! Sit with your knees higher than your hips, using a foot stool, lean forward and put your elbows on your knees. This position straightens out where the colon and rectum join and allows poo to pass more easily. 

Constipation may continue after birth. Women who have had a caesarean often experience constipation for a few days until their regular bowel movements return. This is due to the anaesthetic and strong medications. 
Women who have stiches after a vaginal birth may hesitate on the toilet due to fear and pain, which can also cause a build-up in their bowels. 

We can help! 🧡 

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