

What is Vaginismus?

Vaginismus is where the vaginal muscles spasm, contract and tighten, usually with touch. Primary vaginismus is defined as when you have never been able to have penetrative sex, use a tampon or tolerate a vaginal exam like a pap smear. Secondary vaginismus can be experienced usually as a result of trauma associated with childbirth, surgery or infection – after previously having no muscle spasm or pain when being touched.

Signs and symptoms?

  • Do you find it difficult to insert a tampon?
  • Do you have difficulty with penetrative intimacy?
  • Do you experience fear or anxiety with vaginal penetration?
  • Have you experienced pain during a gynecological examination?

Contributing factors of Vaginismus?

  • Trauma associated with childbirth
  • Previous painful sex,
  • Previous sexual assault/trauma
  • Medical conditions like the repeated incidence of  UTI, thrush, chronic pain or endometriosis
  • Hormonal changes including menopause 
  • Sometimes there is no physical cause,  but it can be induced through stress and anxiety
  • Overactive pelvic floor muscles

How can we help?

Physiotherapy for Vaginismus?

Most women who experience vaginismus will feel uncomfortable having a pelvic exam to diagnose their condition.

Treatment for vaginismus is best provided by a team of health professionals and will usually incorporate your GP, a psychologist, sex therapist and physiotherapist. Physiotherapist treatment may include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle relaxation techniques, and exercises
  • The use of dilators.

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